Belladonna Flower Essence


Belladonna Flower Essence

from $13.33

keywords: wounds of the feminine, heart chakra, sacral chakra, sexual trauma, mother wounds

Belladonna is THE supreme ally for wounds of the feminine, wounds that we all hold within us, no matter how we identify.

We are living through a time that is seeing the feminine reimagine what it is.

We are remembering that we need not fear our bodies, our sensuality, our soft strength, our tears, our ability to sense what cannot be seen.

The more we become aware of the wounds which conditioned us to believe that the feminine is wrong and weak and must be controlled, the more we can heal.

The more we can hold those wounds, and love them, and let them move through us, the more clearly we can see our capital g Gifts.

Belladonna doesn’t just put a salve on our traumas and pat us on the head saying ‘you are good and you didn’t deserve that.’ She says that we absolutely must look inward to meet that which wounded us.

We are not our wounds.

We are not even the stories we have constructed about our wounds.

We have power within us that has been so long buried and forgotten we don’t even recognize it as our own.

It’s not enough just to believe this, we have to feel it in our hearts, in our wombs, in our bones.

This belladonna essence is recommended for support in healing sexual traumas, mother wounds, fears around taking up too much space, body image, broken heartedness (both interpersonal and the result of world events), and fear of showing emotion, to name a few.

This is not only for women. The masculine is just as negatively impacted by the oppression of the feminine, their woundings just tend to go unnoticed or unvalued.

Belladonna is a medicine for our times.

Thank you Belladonna.

Thank you to all of you who are showing up and healing, you are of great service to this world.

ingredients: Atropa belladonna flower essence crafted during a full moon in Sagittarius on the galactic center, spring water, organic vodka

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