Through the Woods

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Through the Woods

from $11.11

keywords: grief support, broken heart, healing, emotional support

We live in a world where if our hearts are truly open, grief is a near companion.

We all move through our own personal acute losses at different times in our lives - loss of loved ones, animal companions, jobs, relationships, homes, health, senses of identity and so on.

In addition to these personal losses, we likely find ourselves (whether consciously or unconsciously) grieving the loss of many important structures around us - biodiversity, wise and service oriented global leadership, appreciation for the arts, encouragement of critical and independent thinking, soil, water, and air health… all in the midst of widespread wars, enslavement, and starvation. It's amazing we're still standing amongst it all!

But nevertheless here we find ourselves, living in this tense & confusing moment in time.

I don’t have all the answers for the grieving process. But I have found that certain practices, such as working with specific plant medicines, remind us of the light at the end of the tunnel. I formulated this specific blend with the light in mind.

ingredients: motherwort extract in organic vodka. springwater. essences of crocus, foxglove, pearl, star of bethlehem, yew tree, + tobacco.

Some books to help support the grieving process:

  • On Grief & Grieving by Elizabeth Kubler Ross

  • Being with Dying by Joan Halifax

  • The Grief Recovery Handbook by John W. James and Russell Friedman

  • When Children Grieve by John W. James and Russell Friedman

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