I am now offering an introductory online workshop on the healing magic of poisonous plants. This 4-hour workshop is a good option for those interested in “poisonous” plants that don’t want to take the 6-week course.
In this online 4-hour workshop you will get an introduction to the history, lore, and medicinal use of several poisonous plants and fungi such as mandrake, belladonna, henbane, datura, hellebore, the yew tree, fly agaric, and more. Through the lens of plant spirit medicine you will experience their medicine and messages without having to ingest them.
Plant spirit medicine is the practice of using our intuition to directly connect with plants. This is in diametrical opposition to capitalistic, material reductionist herbalism that dominates the plant medicine world. Instead of asking what you can get from a plant, we ask the plant directly what they want to share. This allows us to experience the healing benefits of herbs without having to ingest or even be in the same vicinity of a plant - something of great benefit when working with poisonous plants. This is a skill that everybody can develop!
“Poison” as medicine is the spine of my work with poisonous plants and what I feel is the overall message these plants want to share with us. What can we learn when we balance the typical “light and love” approach to spiritual paths with shadow integration? What if the majority of the suffering we experience is not from the things we are afraid of, but from our avoidance of those things?
Coming up on May 26th. Learn more through the link in my bio ✨
Pictures here is datura wrightii, a divine poisonous plant ally whose medicine seems to be calling many at this time 🖤