The call/inspiration to share windows into my life on this platform seem to come so sporadically. I’ve never been one of those people who photographs the little moments throughout their day or been one to share much about my personal life on social media. So here is a moment from yesterday I would like to share - drinking puerh with my boyfriend while we listened to some recently acquired records from his father and read about the IC in astrology. My first job out of college was working in a Chinese tea house where I was lucky enough to learn about gong fu cha ceremonies and all kinds of teas and tisanes. That job helped to more deeply ingrain in me a love for both ceremony and plant medicine.
Anyway, I really just wanted to say hi and confess my social media sins of not posting enough, sharing enough, or promoting myself enough. Speaking of which, did you know that I provide lots of different services? (Probably not since I am so bad at posting about them!) I offer tarot readings, 1:1 sessions, shamanic journeys, herbal medicines, crystals, a book I wrote and illustrated, paintings, and occasional classes and courses - all of which you can learn more about via the little website menu at the top of this page.