Wormwood Salve


Wormwood Salve

Sale Price:$15.55 Original Price:$25.55

Most people are familiar with wormwood (Artemisia absinthium) as an ingredient in the naturally green & psychoactive spirit, absinthe. Absinthe was popular among many famous artists, writers, and philosophers during the late 19th and early 20th century including Picasso, van Gogh, Edgar Allan Poe, Aleister Crowley, Oscar Wilde, James Joyce, and Ernest Hemingway to name a few. Its psychoactive properties were blamed on the compound thujone, although it’s unlikely that absinthe would’ve had enough wormwood in it to produce the hallucinogenic effects people have described from it.

When I think of wormwood, I think of magic. Much like its cousin mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris), wormwood can be supportive in opening the third eye. Applied before bed this salve can help bring about vivid or lucid dreaming.

Wormwood is also a wonderful remedy for achy or sore muscles and joints, bruises, or inflammation.

The main way I’ve been using this salve is for tension - whether that tension manifests through tight muscles or anxious thoughts. I’ve been applying it topically to my womb area to treat menstrual cramps, and a little bit on my tight shoulders before bed to help me relax into sleep. I could also see this being useful for journeying work, creative projections, or just to help unwind after a long day.

This salve is made from plants from my garden extracted in organic olive, a bit of organic coconut oil and blended with organic beeswax - no essential oils have been added!

If you are sensitive or allergic to traditional flying ointment recipes, this is a great alternative.

keywords: lucid dreaming, aches and pains, intuition, third eye, astral projection, creativity, relaxation

ingredients: wormwood infused olive oil, coconut oil, beeswax, vitamin e oil.

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