“Poisonous” plants can be powerful medicine. When understood and respected they guide us towards our whole self. They are fierce teachers, helping us embrace what we’ve been taught to avoid or ignore.

datura wrightii

datura wrightii

In this online 3-hour workshop you will get an introduction to practices of plant spirit medicine and “poison as medicine.” We will discuss the history, lore, and medicinal use of poisonous plants and fungi such as belladonna, henbane, mandrake, datura, and fly agaric. Through the lens of plant spirit medicine you will experience their medicine and messages without having to ingest them.

Plant spirit medicine is the practice of using our intuition to directly connect with plants. This is in diametrical opposition to capitalistic, material reductionist herbalism that dominates the plant medicine world. Instead of asking what you can get from a plant, we ask the plant directly what they want to share. This allows us to experience the healing benefits of herbs without having to ingest or even be in the same vicinity of a plant - something of great benefit when working with poisonous plants. This is a skill that everybody can develop!

amanita muscaria

amanita muscaria

“Poison” as medicine is the spine of my work with poisonous plants and what I feel is the overall message these plants want to share with us. What can we learn when we balance the typical “light and love” approach to spiritual paths with shadow integration? What if the majority of the suffering we experience is not from the things we are afraid of, but from our avoidance of those things?

We will end the day with a Shamanic Journey in order to deeply drop into the messages of the plants. Through the assistance of ritual drumming and mindfulness, you will be able to quiet the mind and experience the messages these plants have for you.



You do not need any prior experience with spiritual work, witchcraft, or herbalism - all levels of experience are welcome.

Please note that I will not be teaching how to ingest any of these plants - ingesting is an extremely unsafe practice under any circumstance. We will not be going over formulas or recipes for oils or ointments, as I believe it is an advanced and unpredictable process. 


We meet via zoom. The class lasts for 3 hours. If you cannot make it to the live class, it will be recorded and available for 6 months after our class date.

About sliding scale pricing: Accessibility is deeply important to me and I always offer sliding scale for all my classes but because of the uncertainty brought on by COVID-19, I wanted to make it easier for everyone. This class is made possible by the support of our community. Simply choose the amount that feels most resonate to you.

Some guidance for choosing tiers: This guidance is to help bring understanding to where you may fall on the scale. Ultimately, I trust that you know what makes sense for you. Please choose your tier freely and without guilt.

$48 is the normal price for this class

Lower tiers are intended for those whose work and finances are on hold due to the virus and who do not have a safety net of savings or partner or family income.

Higher tiers are for those who have financial safety nets, savings, family wealth, or whose work has not been significantly impacted by the virus. Higher tiers are also for those who’d like to help support others struggling with more fragile finances at this time - it’s through community support that we will get through this!

If the lowest tier is out of reach for you, please send me an email at k.solie@me.com and we’ll work something out ❤

Introduction to Poisonous Plant Medicine **SOLD OUT**
from $27.00

I’m not sure when I’ll be offering this Intro class again! Hopefully one will run sometime in 2021.

If you are looking for a more in-depth study of “poisonous” plants, check out my 6-week course here. A new round of the 6-week course will be starting July 11th, 2021.

follow along on instagram for updates @persephonespath

Refund Policy:

Full refunds are available up to 1 week before the class date. Half refunds available 1 week before class date until the day of class. No refunds available after 12am EST on date of class.