In this workshop you will get an introduction to the history, lore, and medicinal use of several poisonous plants. You will learn how to communicate with the spirits of these plants and how to experience their medicine and messages without having to ingest them. We will discuss how poisonous plants can be great allies to healers, therapists, and anyone interested in supporting themselves and others during difficult times.
We will use Shamanic Journeying to deeply drop into the messages of the plants. Shamanic Journeying is a powerful way to directly re-connect with your Authentic Self. By taking the time to listen to the voices of your deepest longings and truths, you will find yourself uncovering the answers to your life’s most difficult questions. Through the assistance of ritual staving (using the sound of a staff against the floor in a similar way one would use a drum), mindfulness, divination, and herbal medicine, you will be able to quiet the mind and experience the deep rest that only comes from a truly peaceful mind. This quieting allows for messages that are usually obstructed by the noise of the busy thinking mind to come through clearly.
You do not need any prior experience with spiritual work, witchcraft, or herbalism - all levels of experience are welcome.
Some things you may gain from this workshop:
How to communicate with plant spirits
Guidance in safely using poisonous plant medicine
The history of poisonous plant usage and it’s lore
A deeper connection to your Authentic Self
Clarification of difficult questions or decisions you may be struggling with
Learning how to quiet the mind, slow down, listen to your inner voice, and gain a sense of true peace
Uncovering and integrating shadow aspects of your personality and unhealthy conditioning
Meeting and connecting with Spirit Guides and Allies
An understanding of the Persephone myth and it’s connection to your life
Recommended Materials:
Journal and pen
Eye mask
Divination deck or runes (optional but encouraged, if you don’t already have a deck, the Raider-Waite tarot is a good one to start with)
Blanket (optional)
Comfortable, loose-fitting, warm clothes. Layers are recommended
Cost: $65-$115 sliding scale.
Most people will pay $85. If you’re feeling abundant or called to be of service you can pay $115 to help fund the lower income participants. If you would like the $65 rate or would like to offer a trade please email me at
This class has a maximum of 8 participants